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xgb_train_offset() and xgb_predict_offset() are wrappers for xgboost tree-based models where all of the model arguments are in the main function. These functions are nearly identical to the parsnip functions parsnip::xgb_train() and parsnip::xg_predict_offset() except that the objective "count:poisson" is passed to xgboost::xgb.train() and an offset term is added to the data set.


  offset_col = "offset",
  weights = NULL,
  max_depth = 6,
  nrounds = 15,
  eta = 0.3,
  colsample_bynode = NULL,
  colsample_bytree = NULL,
  min_child_weight = 1,
  gamma = 0,
  subsample = 1,
  validation = 0,
  early_stop = NULL,
  counts = TRUE,

xgb_predict_offset(object, new_data, offset_col = "offset", ...)



A data frame or matrix of predictors


A vector (numeric) or matrix (numeric) of outcome data.


Character string. The name of a column in data containing offsets.


A numeric vector of weights.


An integer for the maximum depth of the tree.


An integer for the number of boosting iterations.


A numeric value between zero and one to control the learning rate.


Subsampling proportion of columns for each node within each tree. See the counts argument below. The default uses all columns.


Subsampling proportion of columns for each tree. See the counts argument below. The default uses all columns.


A numeric value for the minimum sum of instance weights needed in a child to continue to split.


A number for the minimum loss reduction required to make a further partition on a leaf node of the tree


Subsampling proportion of rows. By default, all of the training data are used.


The proportion of the data that are used for performance assessment and potential early stopping.


An integer or NULL. If not NULL, it is the number of training iterations without improvement before stopping. If validation is used, performance is base on the validation set; otherwise, the training set is used.


A logical. If FALSE, colsample_bynode and colsample_bytree are both assumed to be proportions of the proportion of columns affects (instead of counts).


Other options to pass to xgb.train() or xgboost's method for predict().


An xgboost object.


New data for predictions. Can be a data frame, matrix, xgb.DMatrix


A fitted xgboost object.


us_deaths$off <- log(us_deaths$population)
x <- model.matrix(~ age_group + gender + off, us_deaths)[, -1]

mod <- xgb_train_offset(x, us_deaths$deaths, "off",
                        eta = 1, colsample_bynode = 1,
                        max_depth = 2, nrounds = 25,
                        counts = FALSE)

xgb_predict_offset(mod, x, "off")
#>   [1]  86917.36  87856.75  88831.02  90268.80  91491.18  92494.47  93641.54
#>   [8]  94210.34  94604.33  94789.28  32818.43  32719.24  32662.38  32737.09
#>  [15]  32789.09  32678.39  32982.15  33278.13  33562.50  33921.54  74569.45
#>  [22]  73790.58  72925.19  72384.32  71909.84  71223.78  70527.45  69285.33
#>  [29]  68012.13  67153.13 145755.89 147822.38 150606.58 153536.02 156549.61
#>  [36] 158776.39 160801.28 161806.72 162365.67 162106.05 161415.55 171863.98
#>  [43] 180423.08 188895.03 197082.48 204894.67 212519.39 218433.97 225662.45
#>  [50] 233487.92 270470.00 271263.03 273451.59 277127.31 281051.25 286639.03
#>  [57] 295249.28 308080.94 319192.50 328322.53 486268.75 496409.81 505989.22
#>  [64] 512867.00 520395.28 525788.94 530030.50 533801.06 535023.19 536953.31
#>  [71] 104308.39 105768.89 107269.27 108898.67 110529.01 112018.90 113959.95
#>  [78] 115047.35 115783.27 116205.40  48726.80  48606.59  48538.31  48571.93
#>  [85]  48678.86  48556.37  49077.60  49604.14  50096.76  50708.27  85581.42
#>  [92]  84756.04  83831.90  83272.05  82781.30  82032.50  81256.07  79836.87
#>  [99]  78401.77  77440.64 160666.69 162808.19 165905.03 169100.42 172538.61
#> [106] 175026.88 177291.45 178525.95 179404.23 179318.72 226630.16 242347.41
#> [113] 255214.25 267142.56 278895.47 289684.75 300198.97 308180.25 317990.84
#> [120] 328460.00 298893.75 302922.44 308948.88 316074.59 323057.00 331279.03
#> [127] 343668.12 361214.72 375329.59 387399.72 272258.25 282321.62 293497.50
#> [134] 303141.19 312546.25 319811.97 327692.84 334308.69 341610.16 347101.94