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Convert a data frame of census-level records to exposure-level records.


  start_date = as.Date("1900-01-01"),
  target_status = NULL,
  cal_expo = FALSE,
  expo_length = c("year", "quarter", "month", "week"),
  col_pol_num = "pol_num",
  col_status = "status",
  col_issue_date = "issue_date",
  col_term_date = "term_date",











A data frame with census-level records


Experience study end date


Experience study start date. Default value = 1900-01-01.


Character vector of target status values. Default value = NULL.


Set to TRUE for calendar year exposures. Otherwise policy year exposures are assumed.


Exposure period length


Name of the column in .data containing the policy number


Name of the column in .data containing the policy status


Name of the column in .data containing the issue date


Name of the column in .data containing the termination date


Optional scalar character representing the default active status code. If not provided, the most common status is assumed.


Arguments passed to expose()


A tibble with class exposed_df, tbl_df, tbl, and data.frame. The results include all existing columns in .data plus new columns for exposures and observation periods. Observation periods include counters for policy exposures, start dates, and end dates. Both start dates and end dates are inclusive bounds.

For policy year exposures, two observation period columns are returned. Columns beginning with (pol_) are integer policy periods. Columns beginning with (pol_date_) are calendar dates representing anniversary dates, monthiversary dates, etc.


Census-level data refers to a data set wherein there is one row per unique policy. Exposure-level data expands census-level data such that there is one record per policy per observation period. Observation periods could be any meaningful period of time such as a policy year, policy month, calendar year, calendar quarter, calendar month, etc.

target_status is used in the calculation of exposures. The annual exposure method is applied, which allocates a full period of exposure for any statuses in target_status. For all other statuses, new entrants and exits are partially exposed based on the time elapsed in the observation period. This method is consistent with the Balducci Hypothesis, which assumes that the probability of termination is proportionate to the time elapsed in the observation period. If the annual exposure method isn't desired, target_status can be ignored. In this case, partial exposures are always applied regardless of status.

default_status is used to indicate the default active status that should be used when exposure records are created.

Policy period and calendar period variations

The functions expose_py(), expose_pq(), expose_pm(), expose_pw(), expose_cy(), expose_cq(), expose_cm(), expose_cw() are convenience functions for specific implementations of expose(). The two characters after the underscore describe the exposure type and exposure period, respectively.

For exposures types:

  • p refers to policy years

  • c refers to calendar years

For exposure periods:

  • y = years

  • q = quarters

  • m = months

  • w = weeks

All columns containing dates must be in YYYY-MM-DD format.


Atkinson and McGarry (2016). Experience Study Calculations.

See also

expose_split() for information on splitting calendar year exposures by policy year.


toy_census |> expose("2020-12-31")
#> Exposure data
#>  Exposure type: policy_year 
#>  Target status:  
#>  Study range: 1900-01-01 to 2020-12-31
#> # A tibble: 33 × 8
#>    pol_num status issue_date term_date pol_yr pol_date_yr pol_date_yr_end
#>      <int> <fct>  <date>     <date>     <int> <date>      <date>         
#>  1       1 Active 2010-01-01 NA             1 2010-01-01  2010-12-31     
#>  2       1 Active 2010-01-01 NA             2 2011-01-01  2011-12-31     
#>  3       1 Active 2010-01-01 NA             3 2012-01-01  2012-12-31     
#>  4       1 Active 2010-01-01 NA             4 2013-01-01  2013-12-31     
#>  5       1 Active 2010-01-01 NA             5 2014-01-01  2014-12-31     
#>  6       1 Active 2010-01-01 NA             6 2015-01-01  2015-12-31     
#>  7       1 Active 2010-01-01 NA             7 2016-01-01  2016-12-31     
#>  8       1 Active 2010-01-01 NA             8 2017-01-01  2017-12-31     
#>  9       1 Active 2010-01-01 NA             9 2018-01-01  2018-12-31     
#> 10       1 Active 2010-01-01 NA            10 2019-01-01  2019-12-31     
#> # ℹ 23 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: exposure <dbl>

census_dat |> expose_py("2019-12-31", target_status = "Surrender")
#> Exposure data
#>  Exposure type: policy_year 
#>  Target status: Surrender 
#>  Study range: 1900-01-01 to 2019-12-31
#> # A tibble: 141,252 × 15
#>    pol_num status issue_date inc_guar qual    age product gender wd_age premium
#>      <int> <fct>  <date>     <lgl>    <lgl> <int> <fct>   <fct>   <int>   <dbl>
#>  1       1 Active 2014-12-17 TRUE     FALSE    56 b       F          77     370
#>  2       1 Active 2014-12-17 TRUE     FALSE    56 b       F          77     370
#>  3       1 Active 2014-12-17 TRUE     FALSE    56 b       F          77     370
#>  4       1 Active 2014-12-17 TRUE     FALSE    56 b       F          77     370
#>  5       1 Active 2014-12-17 TRUE     FALSE    56 b       F          77     370
#>  6       1 Active 2014-12-17 TRUE     FALSE    56 b       F          77     370
#>  7       2 Active 2007-09-24 FALSE    FALSE    71 a       F          71     708
#>  8       2 Active 2007-09-24 FALSE    FALSE    71 a       F          71     708
#>  9       2 Active 2007-09-24 FALSE    FALSE    71 a       F          71     708
#> 10       2 Active 2007-09-24 FALSE    FALSE    71 a       F          71     708
#> # ℹ 141,242 more rows
#> # ℹ 5 more variables: term_date <date>, pol_yr <int>, pol_date_yr <date>,
#> #   pol_date_yr_end <date>, exposure <dbl>