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Create a summary data frame of transaction counts, amounts, and utilization rates.


  percent_of = NULL,
  combine_trx = FALSE,
  col_exposure = "exposure",
  full_exposures_only = TRUE,
  conf_int = FALSE,
  conf_level = 0.95

# S3 method for class 'trx_df'
summary(object, ...)



A data frame with exposure-level records of type exposed_df with transaction data attached. If necessary, use as_exposed_df() to convert a data frame to an exposed_df object, and use add_transactions() to attach transactions to an exposed_df object.


A character vector of transaction types to include in the output. If none is provided, all available transaction types in .data will be used.


A optional character vector containing column names in .data to use as denominators in the calculation of utilization rates or actual-to-expected ratios.


If FALSE (default), the results will contain output rows for each transaction type. If TRUE, the results will contains aggregated experience across all transaction types.


Name of the column in .data containing exposures


If TRUE (default), partially exposed records will be excluded from data.


If TRUE, the output will include confidence intervals around the observed utilization rate and any percent_of output columns.


Confidence level for confidence intervals


A trx_df object


Groups to retain after summary() is called


A tibble with class trx_df, tbl_df, tbl, and data.frame. The results include columns for any grouping variables and transaction types, plus the following:

  • trx_n: the number of unique transactions.

  • trx_amt: total transaction amount

  • trx_flag: the number of observation periods with non-zero transaction amounts.

  • exposure: total exposures

  • avg_trx: mean transaction amount (trx_amt / trx_flag)

  • avg_all: mean transaction amount over all records (trx_amt / exposure)

  • trx_freq: transaction frequency when a transaction occurs (trx_n / trx_flag)

  • trx_util: transaction utilization per observation period (trx_flag / exposure)

If percent_of is provided, the results will also include:

  • The sum of any columns passed to percent_of with non-zero transactions. These columns include the suffix _w_trx.

  • The sum of any columns passed to percent_of

  • pct_of_{*}_w_trx: total transactions as a percentage of column {*}_w_trx. In other words, total transactions divided by the sum of a column including only records utilizing transactions.

  • pct_of_{*}_all: total transactions as a percentage of column {*}. In other words, total transactions divided by the sum of a column regardless of whether or not transactions were utilized.

If conf_int is set to TRUE, additional columns are added for lower and upper confidence interval limits around the observed utilization rate and any percent_of output columns. Confidence interval columns include the name of the original output column suffixed by either _lower or _upper.

  • If values are passed to percent_of, an additional column is created containing the the sum of squared transaction amounts (trx_amt_sq).


Unlike exp_stats(), this function requires data to be an exposed_df object.

If .data is grouped, the resulting data frame will contain one row per transaction type per group.

Any number of transaction types can be passed to the trx_types argument, however each transaction type must appear in the trx_types attribute of .data. In addition, trx_stats() expects to see columns named trx_n_{*} (for transaction counts) and trx_amt_{*} for (transaction amounts) for each transaction type. To ensure .data is in the appropriate format, use the functions as_exposed_df() to convert an existing data frame with transactions or add_transactions() to attach transactions to an existing exposed_df object.

"Percentage of" calculations

The percent_of argument is optional. If provided, this argument must be a character vector with values corresponding to columns in .data containing values to use as denominators in the calculation of utilization rates or actual-to-expected ratios. Example usage:

  • In a study of partial withdrawal transactions, if percent_of refers to account values, observed withdrawal rates can be determined.

  • In a study of recurring claims, if percent_of refers to a column containing a maximum benefit amount, utilization rates can be determined.

Confidence intervals

If conf_int is set to TRUE, the output will contain lower and upper confidence interval limits for the observed utilization rate and any percent_of output columns. The confidence level is dictated by conf_level.

  • Intervals for the utilization rate (trx_util) assume a binomial distribution.

  • Intervals for transactions as a percentage of another column with non-zero transactions (pct_of_{*}_w_trx) are constructed using a normal distribution

  • Intervals for transactions as a percentage of another column regardless of transaction utilization (pct_of_{*}_all) are calculated assuming that the aggregate distribution is normal with a mean equal to observed transactions and a variance equal to:

    Var(S) = E(N) * Var(X) + E(X)^2 * Var(N),

    Where S is the aggregate transactions random variable, X is an individual transaction amount assumed to follow a normal distribution, and N is a binomial random variable for transaction utilization.

Default removal of partial exposures

As a default, partial exposures are removed from .data before summarizing results. This is done to avoid complexity associated with a lopsided skew in the timing of transactions. For example, if transactions can occur on a monthly basis or annually at the beginning of each policy year, partial exposures may not be appropriate. If a policy had an exposure of 0.5 years and was taking withdrawals annually at the beginning of the year, an argument could be made that the exposure should instead be 1 complete year. If the same policy was expected to take withdrawals 9 months into the year, it's not clear if the exposure should be 0.5 years or 0.5 / 0.75 years. To override this treatment, set full_exposures_only to FALSE.

summary() Method

Applying summary() to a trx_df object will re-summarize the data while retaining any grouping variables passed to the "dots" (...).


expo <- expose_py(census_dat, "2019-12-31", target_status = "Surrender") |>

res <- expo |> group_by(inc_guar) |> trx_stats(percent_of = "premium")
#> ── Transaction study results ──
#>Groups: inc_guar
#>Study range: 1900-01-01 to 2019-12-31
#>Transaction types: Base and Rider
#>Transactions as % of: premium
#> # A tibble: 4 × 14
#>   inc_guar trx_type trx_n trx_flag trx_amt exposure avg_trx avg_all trx_freq
#>   <lgl>    <chr>    <dbl>    <int>   <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1 FALSE    Base     52939    24703  952629    48938    38.6   19.5      2.14
#> 2 FALSE    Rider        0        0       0    48938   NaN      0      NaN   
#> 3 TRUE     Base      7561     3521  141270    75235    40.1    1.88     2.15
#> 4 TRUE     Rider    77321    35941 2842729    75235    79.1   37.8      2.15
#> # ℹ 5 more variables: trx_util <dbl>, premium_w_trx <dbl>, premium <dbl>,
#> #   pct_of_premium_w_trx <dbl>, pct_of_premium_all <dbl>

#> ── Transaction study results ──
#>Study range: 1900-01-01 to 2019-12-31
#>Transaction types: Base and Rider
#>Transactions as % of: premium
#> # A tibble: 2 × 13
#>   trx_type trx_n trx_flag trx_amt exposure avg_trx avg_all trx_freq trx_util
#>   <chr>    <dbl>    <int>   <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1 Base     60500    28224 1093899   124173    38.8    8.81     2.14    0.227
#> 2 Rider    77321    35941 2842729   124173    79.1   22.9      2.15    0.289
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: premium_w_trx <dbl>, premium <dbl>,
#> #   pct_of_premium_w_trx <dbl>, pct_of_premium_all <dbl>

expo |> group_by(inc_guar) |>
  trx_stats(percent_of = "premium", combine_trx = TRUE, conf_int = TRUE)
#> ── Transaction study results ──
#>Groups: inc_guar
#>Study range: 1900-01-01 to 2019-12-31
#>Transaction types: Base and Rider
#>Transactions as % of: premium
#> # A tibble: 2 × 21
#>   inc_guar trx_type trx_n trx_flag trx_amt exposure avg_trx avg_all trx_freq
#>   <lgl>    <chr>    <dbl>    <int>   <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1 FALSE    All      52939    24703  952629    48938    38.6    19.5     2.14
#> 2 TRUE     All      84882    39462 2983999    75235    75.6    39.7     2.15
#> # ℹ 12 more variables: trx_util <dbl>, premium_w_trx <dbl>, premium <dbl>,
#> #   pct_of_premium_w_trx <dbl>, pct_of_premium_all <dbl>, trx_util_lower <dbl>,
#> #   trx_util_upper <dbl>, pct_of_premium_w_trx_lower <dbl>,
#> #   pct_of_premium_w_trx_upper <dbl>, pct_of_premium_all_lower <dbl>,
#> #   pct_of_premium_all_upper <dbl>, trx_amt_sq <dbl>