

  • expose_split() bug fixes:

    • ExposedDF.expose_split() was updated to respect the values of start_date and end_date originally passed to the ExposedDF() class.
    • Future policy anniversary dates falling on February 29th leap days are now consistent with ExposedDF()
    • New tests were added to verify that the sum of policy year exposures (exposure_pol) after calling .expose_split() match exposures produced by ExposedDF.expose_py().
  • ExposedDF() bug fix - quarterly and monthly calendar exposures periods now strictly calculate exposures based on month-end dates. In the prior version, months ending on the 28-30 would use that same day of month for subsequent exposure periods.

  • ExposedDF() and ExposedDF.add_transactions() now allow date columns to be
    passed as strings in YYYY-MM-DD format. Any strings are converted to date behind-the-scenes, and any missing values will results in an error message.


  • Small correction to the final policy year exposure for leap years


  • To improve speed and efficiency, the data frame backend was changed from Pandas to Polars.
    • The data property of ExposedDF, ExpStats, and TrxStats is now a Polars data frame.
    • ExposedDF, ExpStats.from_DataFrame, and TrxStats.from_DataFrame will accept both Polars and Pandas data frames. However, Pandas data frames are immediately converted to Polars.
  • Removed all add_* date functions which are no longer needed under Polars
  • ExposedDF’s groupby method was renamed to group_by.

v0.0.1 (2024-02-18)

  • Several updates to align with the R version of actxps

    • Added optional confidence interval outputs to ExpStats and TrxStats objects
    • Added an expose_split() method to ExposedDF classes, which divides calendar period exposures into pre- and post-policy anniversary segments. This creates a SplitExposedDF object, which is a subclass of ExposedDF.
    • Added special plotting functions ExpStats.plot_termination_rates(), ExpStats.plot_actual_to_expected(), and TrxStats.plot_utilization_rates()
    • Added from_DataFrame class methods to ExpStats and TrxStats objects that enables the creation of experience summary objects pre-aggregated data sets.
    • Added the great_tables package as the backend for table() methods
    • Shiny UI updates
    • Added a ‘points’ geom, log 10 y-axis, and confidence interval options to plot methods
    • Added sample data for pre-aggregated exposures (load_agg_sim_dat())
    • Bug fix - the target status wasn’t being fully exposed when using calendar period exposures
    • The assumed default status on ExposedDF objects is now the most common status instead of the first observed status.
    • Added helper background functions for column selection
    • Added several articles to the package’s website
  • Current differences from the R version are:

    • No support for plotting a second variable on the y-axis for .plot() methods
    • No predictive modeling support function (add_predictions(), step_expose())
    • Table output cannot be saved to a png directly in the shiny app
    • functions like pol_interval() don’t accept arbitrary durations. Only ‘year’, ‘quarter’, ‘month’, or ‘week’ are allowed.

v0.0.0.9000 (2023-12-14)

  • Development version of actxps