Function reference

Exposure calculations

Create exposure records from census records

ExposedDF Exposed data frame class
ExposedDF.from_DataFrame Coerce a data frame to an ExposedDF object
SplitExposedDF Split calendar exposures by policy year

Termination studies

Create termination study summaries and reports

ExposedDF.exp_stats Summarize experience study records
ExpStats Experience study summary class

Transaction studies

Add transactions to exposure records, create summaries and reports

ExposedDF.add_transactions Add transactions to an experience study
TrxStats Transactions study summary class

Shiny app

Launch a Shiny application to interactively explore drivers of experience.

exp_shiny Interactively explore experience data

Sample data sets

Data sets for testing the functionality of actxps

Toy census data

load_toy_census Toy policy census data

Simulated annuity data

load_census_dat Simulated annuity census data
load_withdrawals Simulated annuity withdrawal data
load_account_vals Simulated annuity account value data

2012 Individual Annuity Mortality Table and Projection Scale G2

load_qx_iamb 2012 Individual Annuity Mortality Table
load_scale_g2 Projection Scale G2

Date functions

Support functions used for various date calculations

Policy duration functions

pol_interval Calculate policy durations in years, quarters, months, or weeks
pol_yr Calculate policy years
pol_qtr Calculate policy quarters
pol_mth Calculate policy months
pol_wk Calculate policy weeks

Fractional duration functions

frac_interval Calculate fractional years, quarters, months, or weeks between two dates
frac_yr Calculate fractional years between two dates
frac_qtr Calculate fractional quarters between two dates
frac_mth Calculate fractional months between two dates
frac_wk Calculate fractional weeks between two dates