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These functions create additional experience study plots that are not available or difficult to produce using the autoplot.trx_df() function.


plot_utilization_rates(object, ...)



An object of class trx_df created by the function trx_stats().


Additional arguments passed to autoplot.trx_df().


a ggplot object


plot_utilization_rates() - Create a plot of transaction frequency and severity. Frequency is represented by utilization rates (trx_util). Severity is represented by transaction amounts as a percentage of one or more other columns in the data ({*}_w_trx). All severity series begin with the prefix "pct_of_" and end with the suffix "_w_trx". The suffix refers to the fact that the denominator only includes records with non-zero transactions. Severity series are based on column names passed to the percent_of argument in trx_stats(). If no "percentage of" columns exist in object, this function will only plot utilization rates.


study_py <- expose_py(census_dat, "2019-12-31",
                      target_status = "Surrender") |>
  add_transactions(withdrawals) |>
  left_join(account_vals, by = c("pol_num", "pol_date_yr"))

trx_res <- study_py |> group_by(pol_yr) |>
  trx_stats(percent_of = "av_anniv", combine_trx = TRUE)
